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An email in December

This was an email I sent to those close to me in December and thought it should live here. ________________________________________ I wish I had something witty and profound to say to you this morning, but the fact of the matter is I am running on empty and I know I am not alone. Between the crazy headlines in the news this morning and the holiday pressure, I am sitting here in my fuzzy socks and Metallica tshirt wondering where the heck 2017 went and where are we headed in 2018.

We all want to make big changes in our world. We all want to make an impact. But the truth of the matter is sometimes it is just so damn overwhelming. Have you ever thought "What can I do? I am just one person." I know I have.

Let me tell you a little story about something that happened to be recently. It was a true A-HA moment and I hope I can re-tell it in a way that makes sense to you.

A couple months ago I was invited to an event. It was a type of event that I don't frequent. It was among a circle of people I don't really encounter in my daily life and my knee-jerk response was "Sorry, I can't make it.....<insert some lame excuse>." But I didn't this time and I surprised myself. I cordially accepted the invitation. Then those small voices started : "You can't go...what will you wear? " "You don't belong there." "Who are you? You are nobody. You are a joke." Somehow I was able to move forward get past those limiting beliefs of unworthiness. I think my 90 Day "Skeleton Dance" has helped with that! (If you don't follow me on Facebook or Instagram, I have been putting myself through some personal development to deal with issues that have held me back all of my life stemming from being raised in an alcoholic home.) "What will you wear?" was answered with "What I am comfortable in." "You don;t belong." was answered with "I must belong, because I was invited." "Who are you? You are nobody. You are a joke." was answered with "I am a guest and I am welcomed." It wasn't easy, but on the night of the event I was on my way. Nervous and excited...and having a little chat with The Spirit in the Sky...the Big Guy...The Source.... Me: "Who am I? I am nobody. I've done nothing." Spirit: "Nobody is nobody. Everyone is Somebody." Me: "Not everybody cures cancer." (...yes...I was created a Smart Ass) Spirit: "You cured cancer. We all cured cancer. Because Each Part Effects the Whole. We are all Living Stones dropped into the Pond of Potential. We All Create Ripples to a Miracle. Every time We smile at someone....Offer an Encouraging Word.....Pay for Somebody's coffee at Starbucks...Volunteer Our Time to help a cause...Stand Up for what's Right even if we are alone....Send a Card....Encourage Another....these Simple acts send out a Positive Ripple expanding to the Greater Good. The only reason We don't see that cure yet is because there is the resistance of the negative ripple. Every act of road rage, anger, fear, disdain, apathy, cross words with a family member or neighbor, violence....those ripples intersect and slow the Ripples to a Miracle. You are worried about Your dress. Well, perhaps there will be somebody else wearing Old Navy and You will put them at ease knowing they aren't sticking out like a sore thumb. You are worried about whether You "belong" among the other guests. Smile at everyone, Chat with everyone. Make THEM feel like they belong. You think You are Nobody? You are a Living Stone. Ripple. Just Ripple. That is Your Purpose. But Ripple as often as you can toward the Miracle. Because these tiny, seemingly insignificant acts grow and become The Bigger the cure for cancer...the end to world hunger...and peace." By the time I got to the event I was so excited to be there! And not with a prideful arrogance, but with a sweet humility knowing that I do Matter, I did Belong, and that I am Somebody.....Making Ripples.... I just want to encourage you today....whether you had an amazing 2017 or you feel you didn't accomplish all that you set out to do. With every kind act, regardless of the size or the time or the cost, You have made an impact. You may not see it may not EVER see it. But you did. You Rippled toward a Miracle, and We thank You <3 The goal now? To Ripple with Intention :-) Have an AMAZING December, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Grateful Everyday! Coach Gina

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