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6 Tips to Get Fit Fast

So here we are... 6 weeks to summer.

You want to look and feel your best on the beach, at the lake, by the pool and when dropping off the kids at your ex's house.

You know it's true.

We all want to be "healthy"..... AND we all want to look our best when the pants get shorter and the sleeves disappear. Summer bodies are most definitely made in the winter. The problem is no matter how badly you want to slip into a sexy bathing suit come June, Bunko, Book Club and Wine Tasting all winter in your leggins and long sweaters was just too much fun. 6 weeks.

Can you get "fit" in 6 weeks?

No, but you can make a helluva lot of progress.

And 6 weeks is actually the perfect amount of time to do it.

6 weeks is long enough to make changes both physically and mentally, but short enough to keep you motivated to the end. So you have 6 are my 6 tips to get you the best results by Summer 1. Make the decision This is honestly the most challenging part. Making the decision to change is HUGE. It isn't just lip service over the candy bowl at work or as you drain the last drop of wine from the bottle with your friends. Making a real decision means you understand there will be things you will need to the candy and the make it happen. When you truly make the decision to change you are ready to make the changes.

2. Pick a Program/Protocol/Trainer and just fucking do it already Quit bouncing between diets, workout programs and trainers. The honest to GOD truth is EVERYTHING will work if you just quit squirreling about and focus for a minute. You need to trust a program and a trainer and focus on THAT. Even a Pinterest workout will work if YOU do. 3. Stop blaming your family

As I type I have 2 bags of chocolate candy bars in my freezer that Rick picked up dirt cheap on our way to a BBQ yesterday. Woud I rather they weren't there calling t me? YES. But looking back at Tip #1, the DECISION has been made that I won;t eat them and I won't. I could curse Rick, gobble them up and then vow to begin again NEXT Monday...but then we'd be 5 weeks from Summer. 4. Be prepared Bring lots of healthy foods into your house...stuff your fridge with fresh fruits and veggies, bottles water and tasty marinades/dressings. Pre cook chicken and steak or have 100 calorie snack cups/packages on hand to save you from eating crap. If you don;t buy it you can;t eat it. If you have to buy it for your family, well, we are right back to Tip #1 Lay out your workout clothes or SLEEP IN THEM and workout as soon as you get up. This works like a GEM for me. I have to get it done as early as possible. If I wait I will slack OR get interrupted. It's just 6 weeks.....decide and do. 5. Keep your mouth shut and your head down

Friends and family just might be tired of your talk. If you make a big announcement that you are going to lose weight again, their negative vibe will discourage will their sabotage, intentional or not. How 'bout this time you keep it to yourself and let your results speak for themselves. 6. Think of the BEST day of your life When you graduated from college? Your wedding day? Your babies birth? Now 10X that....don;t you want to have dozens more days like that? Laughing with your kids, romantic dinners with your spouse, road trips with your friends, family reunions, weddings..... Look, Christmas never sneaks up on ANYONE. You NEVER say "Sorry kids....time got away from presents today. I'll go shopping tomorrow." Neither do these life events. Now is the time to train for LIFE. Because you KNOW you will have events to LIVE for and feel your best for. If it's not Summer, it will be something else. So why wait? Go to the gym. Hire a trainer. Buy a book. Watch a video. ANYTHING will work if YOU DO <3

DECIDE. COMMIT. SUCCEED. ...and as always, I am here if you need some guidance and a support. Be Well <3 Gina

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