Nothing New About It
I am sitting here trying to wax poetic or at least be clever, because people read blogs for entertainment and information.
The truth of the matter is there is absolutely nothing new under the sun, especially THIS time of year. We feel the need to finally make a change, whether it's to lose weight or hone a skill like Spanglish or the Ukulele. We feel this imaginary Wheel of Time turn and figure with the stars aligned we can finally do some amazing shit. I mean...I do. I love the New Year. Every year. I set some goals (many of which never come to fruition) because the energy feels right. It feels new. I count on it. I look forward to it. You know who else looks forward to it?
Used car salesmen and the Weight Loss industry.
They see us coming. And while that 0% interest rate and long list of "0 Point" foods look like the answer, there is always fine print we choose not to look at because....who reads the fine print? It's the Celebrity Endorsement that matters.....the heart tugging advertisement of that shiny car in the snowy driveway that sells us. And it feels good until that first car payment comes through our bank account or that weigh in sucks because we eat vats of "0 point" foods, walk just enough to earn more food and find ways to hoard points to eat the other stuff :-) This same scenario goes for all of the other "diet protocols" we gobble up because a trainer or a an actor does it: Keto, Paleo, Fat Free, Sugar Free, Whole30, Vegan, Vegetarian, intermittent fasting, etc.
The Weight Loss industry likes to muddy the healthy and fitness waters to make them look there is some kind of esoteric knowledge available to a privileged few and that if you want it you will have to pay for it....over and over and over again. The truth is there is a nuts and bolts approach to HEALTHY WEIGHT LOSS and FITNESS, but it isn't sexy. It isn't trendy. It isn't popular because it is SO SIMPLE (and dare I say at times boring)most people can't believe it works.. So this page...this blog....whatever it is will be no bull shit. I've been a Personal Trainer for 16 years. Before that I was a Professional Dieter. You can argue my opinions, but you cannot argue my experience. I'll try to share that here as transparently as I can.