Hurt so Good!
So you've bought the diet book, joined the gym, tossed all the crap food from you pantry, bought the funny workout tank top and talked to the bestie about how HOT you are both gonna look at the pool with the kids this summer.
You have a plan! But then...... .....your hubby doesn't want chicken breast for dinner and orders pizza
.....the bestie texts you "Can't make it to the gym tomorrow, let's shoot for next week" .....the cat puked on your workout shoes You eat the pizza. You skip the gym 'cuz bestie is a flake. You throw away the workout shoes
,,,,and ponder your lack of willpower over a glass of Questionable Cab. You had a plan.
It was a good plan. The one thing you DIDN'T have was a DECISION. You THINK you had a decision, but you didn't.
The biggest part of making a true DECISION is understanding what it will entail. We do it all day, everyday. Let me give you an example (we're gonna start SMALL here): It is POURING rain outside and you have had a lovely day in your sweatpants drinking coffee and watching HGTV. But now it's 2:30 and time to at least put your shoes on to go get the kids. UGH!! Your quiet time is over and grabbing those shoes and keys to the minivan (are those still a thing?) is PAINFUL....but the pain of leaving those kids at school standing in the rain, maybe missing appointments or practice is MORE painful than if you stayed at home with House Hunters and Hills Brothers. Get it? Here is another one: It is your parent's Golden Wedding Anniversary. You are called upon to plan the party: venue, catering, theme, invitations......aaaaaand dealing with siblings who all have ideas but no time to actually help create the event. Now the pain of doing this solo and hopefully keeping everyone happy and on speaking terms until the party is HUGE, but it does not compare to the pain of disappointing your parents on this very special day if you DON'T do it. If you are familiar with Tony Robbins, this is a form of NLP (neurolinguistic programming). It is a way of changing your perception of pain and pleasure. The pain of driving n the rain to get the kids from school is outweighed by the pleasure of getting your kids home safe and dry. The pain of planning a huge shindig for the folks is small in comparison to the pleasure of celebrating their marital success with friends and family. Get it? It is really knowing what you want and then EMBRACING the hard stuff to get it. THAT is decision making, and until you make a decision, it's just a wish. But once you make that decision? WOW. You are unstoppable! Once that DECISION is made, that pizza delivery won't be such a temptation and the pain of eating the chicken while the family eats pepperoni is small compared to another fat summer at the pool That flakey friend won't keep you from your workout because the pain of walking into the gym alone is not as painful as freaking out about that closet of clothes that doesn't fit. The cat puke? You hose that shit off and lace up because the pain of smelling that puke is less painful that quitting on yourself. And the wine? Not such a big deal...maybe you'll have a glass on the weekend. Maybe you won't. Because let's be honest, you don't just pour 5 oz (120 cal). You pour about 8-12 (360 cal on avg). This is not easy AT FIRST. It takes practice. Linking 2 days together....then three.....then a week.... Practice doesn't make perfect......PRACTICE IS PERFECT. The PAIN of daily exercise and proper nutrition is much smaller than the pain of poor health or fat pants....much less than not being able to race the kids at the park and play tag.....much less than the stress over what to wear at that company party or get it. You can do this. But guess what? You get to choose.
What is stopping you? I'd love to hear, and I'd love to help.